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Book Title: Slovakia – Traditions Old & New
Author: Helene Cincebeaux
Language(s): English
Published: Rochester, NY – 2010
Format & Size: Softcover – 8.25″ x 10.75″
Pages: 172 pages
Book Condition: Like New Condition
Description: Beautiful book with hundreds of color photos, paintings, and countless personal stories of traditional life and culture in Slovakia. The book is organized more-or-less according to the annual cycle of peasant rituals and celebrations from New Year through Christmas. Scattered throughout the book are numerous short essays on different aspects of material and cultural history such as Slovak food, traditional folk costumes, ritual cloths, wedding traditions, folk dance, rural icons, shepherd crafts, castles, village homes, and much more. Every page is a feast for the eyes and the personal account of traveling through Slovakia collecting stories and artifacts will interest any traveler or lover of Slovak history and culture.
Additional information
Weight | 2 lbs |