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Book Title: Tradicny Odev Slovenska
Translation: Traditional Clothing of Slovakia
Author: Mojmir Benza
Language(s): Slovak and English
Published: Bratislava, Slovakia – 2015
Format & Size: Hardcover – 8″ x 9.5″
Pages: 298
Book Condition: Like New Condition – new book with minor bumps to cover corners
Description: This book examines the individual elements of traditional Slovak clothing with detailed information on the function, history and development of various regional forms. Differing from most books on folk dress, this book attempts to breakdown folk dress into its elements instead of presenting regional costumes by ethnographic region. The book also examines different types of folk dress by the occasion worn including everyday, festive and ceremonial clothing. The book is illustrated with color images by Viera Skrabalova from the Uluv Museum of Folk Art archives. The text is in both Slovak and English making this a particularly useful reference for those who do not read Slovak.